RALUT Annual General Meeting 2011

The Annual General Meeting took place on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 2 pm in the Music Room at Hart House.




1. Approval of the agenda.

2. Approval of minutes of 2010 Annual General Meeeting.

3a. President's Report.

3b. Treasurer's Report.

3c. Commemorative Initiatives Report.

3d. Membership and Events Committee Report.

3e. Communications Report (i) Website (ii) The Reporter.

3f. Public and University Policy Report.

3g. Benefits Committee Report.

3h. Pensions Committee Report.

3i. Nominations Committee Report.

4. Election of the Board of Directors.

5. New Business: Motion from Jacob Ziegel and Richard Cobbold.

6. Adjournment.




Members of the RALUT Executive present: Jack Stevenson, Chair; Tom Alloway, Don Bellamy, Doug Creelman, Elinor Fillion, Diane Henderson, Beate Lowenberg, John Munro, Ruth Pike, Scott Rogers, Helen Rosenthal, Peter Russell, Roselyn Stone, Fred Wilson. The President and Committee Chairs provided written reports, which were distributed together with the Agenda and Minutes of the 2010 AGM to all members attending this AGM. Total number of AGM attendees: 59.

1. Approval of the Agenda. It was moved by T. Alloway, and seconded by G. Warkentin, that the Agenda be approved as circulated. Carried.

2. Approval of the Minutes. It was moved by S. Rogers, and seconded by J. Munro, that the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on April 27, 2010 be approved as circulated. Carried.

3. Report of the President. In his report as circulated, the President remarked on the fact that RALUT was celebrating ten years of achievements. he then reviewed three main things he attempted to achieve during his term in office, collegiality, setting up new organizational and governmance arrnagements (e.g., incorporating RALUT to protect the financial interests of its members) and preparing RALUT for the chanlleges that might lie ahead.

4. Report of the Treasurer. E. Fillion reported that RALUT continues to be in good financial order. She noted that while the balance sheet shows that RALUT spent more last year than it took in, there is no cause for concern: RALUT has funds slightly in excess of $53,600. J. Stevenson said that RALUT had incurred some considerable expenses last year with respect to its incorporation. He urged financial prudence in order to be in a position to handle what may lie ahead.

5. Report of the Commemorative Initiatives Committee. B. Lowenberg read a letter from a recipient of an award from RALUT's Endowed Fund, expressing gratitude for the assistance. With a very small amount added to interest generated by the Fund, RALUT will be able to make two awards in the next academic year. She thanked D. Henderson and H. Rosenthal for their support during the year.

6. Report of the Membership and Events Committee. R. Stone mentioned RALUT's declinihng membership, which is partly due to demographics. She said new members are needed and urged existing members to spread the word. She reminded members of the very pleasant and social First Wednesday lunches at the Faculty Club. D. Creelman, P. Russell and J. Stevenson will be speaking to prospective retirees at a seminar later this week. RALUT has received utoronto email addresses for prospective retirees and so will be able to contact them for recruitment purposes.

7. Report of the Communications Committee. T. Alloway acknowledged the time commitment of D. Henderson, E. Barbeau and others who worked on the development of a new RALUT website which is a vast improvement over the old one. The Committee has recommended, and the Board approved, a change for distribution of the Reporter as outlined in his report. The current method is expensive: it cost almost $3500 to print and mail the last issue. In response to a query, T. Alloway said that about 100 RALUT members do not have email. J. Stevenson mentioned a survey carried out over a year ago which included a question about receiving publications by email: about 85 per cent approved this method of distribution.

T. Alloway asked for an appreciative response for F. Wilson who will retire as Editor of the Reporter after doing the job for eight years. F. Wilson thanked all the people who have assisted him. He has agreed to edit the next issue of the Reporter and urged individuals to submit material.

8. Report of the Public and University Policy Committee. D. Bellamy thanked members of the Committee for their efforts. He will be leaving as chair after almost seven years. he asked RALUT members to consider, and bring forward, issues of interest such as relationships with the University community. He also noted that the Committee will need new members.

9. Report of the Benefits Committee. D. Creelman identified a major item in his report, that of persuading the University community that retirees form a part of it. In response to a query about the fact that some drugs are no longer covered by the drug plan, he said that the Committee will continue to keep a watching brief to ensure that the benefits of retirees are not eroded. The Committee's recommendation that the benefits and Pensions Committees be merged will be discussed at the next Board meeting. J. Stevenson thanked D. Creelman for assuming the chair of the Benefits Committee over the past year.

10. Report of the Pensions Committee. H. Rosenthal identified some salient features in her report. When he made his award early in the past academic year, the arbitrator did not award pension augmentation to retirees. There is an increasing attempt on the part of emplyers to replace defined benefit plans such as U of T's with defined contribution plans. The Committee will continue to work on members, behalf to represent their interests. In response to a query about the management of the University of Toronto's Asset Management (UTAM), she replied that she is concerned about the situation and hopes to make some progress through the Governing Council Pension Committee on which she serves as the UTFA retiree representative.

11. Report of the Nominations Committee. The following have agreed to stand for election to, or to continue on, the RALUT Board for 2011-12.

Continuing: Peter Russell (Honarary President), Jack Stevenson (Past President), Beate Lowenberg (Secretary), John Munro, Roselyn Stone (Vice-President Operations).

For re-election:Tom Alloway (President), Don Bellamy, Doug Creelman (Vice-President Policy), Ruth Pike, Scott Rogers, Elinor Fillion (Treasurer), Fred Wilson.

New members: Hans DeGroot, Lino Grima, David Olson, John Valleau.

12. Election of the Board of Directors, 2011-2012. J. Stevenson introduced the Nominations report, explaining the various categories of nominees. Suggested officer titles are included for information, not election: election will be at the first Board of Directors meeting. Honarary President and Past President are not elected. There are eleven nominees for election or re-election to a two-year term on the Board. Moved by D. Creelman that the Nominations Committee slate be approved, seconded by T. Alloway. Carried.

13. New Business.

Moved by Jacob Ziegel, seconded by Richard Cobbold:

WHEREAS at its Annual Meeting held on April 29, 2009, RALUT adopted a resolution urging the University of Toronto to take all appropriate steps to ensure that retired Members of Faculty and Retired University Librarians are recognized as a separate and eligible constituency for representation on, and election to, the Governing Council of the University of toronto and the committees of the Governing Council, both on the grounds of equity and because of the important contribution Retired Faculty and Librarians can make in the work of the Board of Governors and the Board's committees;

AND WHEREAS much to our regret, no steps have been taken by the University authorities to implement the RALUT resolution;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this meeting of RALUT strongly reaffirms the 2009 Resolution and calls upon the University authorities to meet with RALUT representatives with a view to exploring the best means for early implementation of the resolution.

A friendly amendment was moved by J. Munro, second by S. Rogers to make changes/corrections in the first paragraph of the original motion to read:

WHEREAS at its Annual Meeting held on April 29, 2009, RALUT adopted a resolution urging the University of Toronto to take all appropriate steps to ensure that retired members of faculty and retired university librarians are recognized as a separate and eligible constituency for representation on, and election to, the Governing Council of the University of toronto and the committees of the Board of Governors, both on the grounds of equity and because of the important contribution retired faculty and librarians can make in the work of the Governing Council and the Board's committees.

The friendly amendments were accepted by the original mover and seconder.

After a substantial debate, the question was called and approved without debate, by the required two-thirds majority.

The motion as amended was defeated by a large majority of those present.

14. Adjournment.

It was moved by J. Munro that the meeting be adjounred. The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 pm.

Signed: President, John Stevenson; Corporate Secretary, Beate Lowenbeg




What have we wrought?

The first telegraph message sent by Samuel Morse in 1844 was ``What hath God wrought?'' On the one hand, the expression expressed amazement at the advent of his wonderful invention, the telegraph, which transformed the world. On the other hand -- as in a variant now current, ``Oh, my God, what have I done?'' -- it may have also expressed some fear at the lack of foresight to which we human beings are often prone.

Echoing Charles Dickens, this is the best of times and the worst of times. For RALUT this is an auspicious year in what appear to be inauspicious times for the world.

Why auspicious? Because in 2011 RALUT is celebrating its 10th Anniversary and can rejoice in the many signal achievements on which it can build. Why inauspicious times? Because we are also living through a time of great tumult: wars and rumours of wars, a major financial crisis, natural disasters and great uncertainty about the future.

Part of our birthday celebration will be the reminiscences of the founders and builders of RALUT -- the challenges that provoked its founding; the drive, energy and devotion that overcame hurdles; the foresight and imagination that created innovations and offspring, such as the Academic Retirees' Centre and Sernior College. it is fitting that accounts of those achievements be given by the actors themselves rather than by me.

Similarly, our achievements in 2010-2011 in particular, are best seen in the reports of our Committees and in my column in the Reporter.

As I retire from the presidency of RALUT, I have thought a little about what I might have accomplished -- ``What have I wrought?'' I honestly do not know; that is for others to determine. I can only say what I have tried to accomplish, whether successfully or not.

First, I tried to keep the RALUT ship afloat by treating everyone with respect and enlisting, so far as possible, their cooperation and good will. We are a voluntary organization in which work has to be done, but no one can be ordered to do anything. This is the essence of grass-root movements: they require much consultation to achieve the consensus that can lead to action. Fortunately there are willing workers who can be relied on.

They are many, but I must give special thanks to those who work behind the scences, such as Diane Henderson (VP Operations), Eleanor Fillion (Treasurer), Beate Lowenberg (Corporate Secretary), Roselyn Stone (Membership & Events), and Judy Sherk (Secretary). They should not be heroines unsung.

Second, I have spent a great deal of time on "housekeeping" -- the organization and processes -- that are required, in my view, to gird us for the battles that might lie ahead for use as an advocacy group.

For example, we have protected the financial interests of all out members by incorporating as a not-for-profit, non-charitable corporation under the laws of Ontario. It is only the assets of the corporation, not those of our members, which can be put at risk by our actions. Similarly, we purchased directors' liability insurance, at very modest cost, to protect those who act on your behalf in what might be, just might be, difficult battles ahead, for example, on the pensions and benefits fronts.

Third, I have tried, perhaps unsuccessfully, to broaden RALUT's horizons to consider the larger events and processes that affect our advocacy activities. it is easy to become embroiled in the minutia of current pensions and benefits problems at the University of Toronto, at the expense of the bigger picture.

To repeat a metaphor that I have used before: Bertrand Russell's rooster thought that his crowing caused the sun to rise and that the farmer would, as in the past, feed him corn. He had his head cut off, because he failed to understand the broader context of the motives and propensities of farmers. I say: think ahead of possibilities and probabilities in the wider context that might affect us, recognizing that there are many imponderables and uncertainties. ``Black swans out at Sigma six'' are indeed rate, but do happen.

We human beings crave simplicity and certainty. I have often been asked in effect: ``Is my pension safe? Don't tell me that in all probability it is. I want my pension and benefits to be absolutely safe, beyond a shadow of doubt -- as safe as houses!'' Personally, I have no serious fear about my pension as a current retiree, nor should you. But we should also look ahead to new possibilities.

The U of T working faculty, unlike most others in the province, are not unionized. What might happen to retirees, if our faculty members follow suit? Across the continent, defined benefit plans are being converted to defined contribution plans, as least for new employees, in which final risk is borne by the pensioners. There is widespread resentment among the public, many of whom have small pension entitlements, towards those on the ``gravy train'' who have pensions suported to some extent, in one way of another, by the public purse.

And consider this: the current cohort of RALUT pensioners is, in accordance with nature, passing from the scene and need to be replaced. Will we be replaced with new cohorts with different needs and interests? I have said, ``Let us, make friends, not enemies. Let us pursue common interests.'' I am optimisitc that we can do so.

So, I welcome my successor and wish him/her well. The foundation, raised over a decade of hard work, is there on which to build. I hope that, with more hard work, skill, realism and good-will, the roof can be raised to shelter us all in the hard times that might, just might, lie ahead.

JT (Jack) Stevenson President




Amounts (budgeted) and expended, 2010


Staff (7500) 6539; Supplies (800) 516; Copying (650) 1033; Postage (950) 1083; Telephone (700) 641

Total Administration (10600) 9812


Reporter (3 issues incl. postage) (6150) 8487; Website + cards (500) 794

Total Communications (6650) 9281


AGM (2500) 2315; Board of Directors (1000) 1063; Committee expenses (250) 0; Affiliations (CURAC, AROHE) (3400) 3405; Travel, conferences (1100) 1318; Endowed RALUT Memorial Award (1000) 1000; Legal expenses, liability insurance (3000) 3518; Miscellaneous 483

Total Operating Costs (29500) 32195


1. Website figure includes $500 which is from the allocation for new projects.

2. Board expenses include liability insurance and recording secretary's time.

3. Miscellaneous costs include providing coffee, etc., for ARC/RALUT office; bank charges; and moving costs plus keys (in 2009 but billed incorrectly then).


membership fees (25000) 23442; Donations (2600) 2765; Interest (500) 506

Total income (28100) 26713

Balance of Income/Expenditures -5482

Please note that this does not include allocations for special funds.

I am most grateful to Connie Reed, who donated her time to review the cash receipts and disbursements for 2010 and to provide a number of helpful comments in the form of a report to me.

Elinor Filion, Treasurer




Pension plans have been in the news often this past year, partly because some plans, including the University of Toronto's plan, have not recovered from the 2008 losses. There is an increasing attempt by employers, where possible, to replace defined benefits plans such as the U of T plan with defined contribution plans, therby transferring the risk from the employers to the employees. Also, within DB plans, employers, U of T included, are attempting to increase the contributions of the plan members in order to eliminate the deficits, though these deficits were not caused by the plan members.

Early in this academic year we received the award of the arbitrator, Martin Teplitsky, in which he denied pension augmentation to retirees for the two years of the award, from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011. You will recall that indexation by 75% of the increase in the Consumer price Index is guaranteed in our pension plan; the remaining 25% is augmentation. As a result of this denial, the pensions of current retirees will have lost about 0.6% of their purchasing power. This loss is permanent and will increase slightly with compounding in all subsequent years. UTFA has argued for pension augmentation in every bargaining round and we expect they will continue to do so.

Another result of the arbitrator's award was the establishment of the Governing Council Pension Committee, which replaces the Business Board in having responsibility for policy, monitoring and oversight of matters affecting the pension plan and which will report directly to Governing Council. This important committee has 20 voting members: 11 members of Governing Council, 5 persons appointed by UTFA (one of whom must be a retiree), 3 representatives of the unionized administrative staff groups and 1 non-unionized administrative staff representative. I am serving as the UTFA retiree representative. This Pension Committee received the required approvals and was launched early in 2011. We have had two meetings to data, with one more scheduled for the current academic year.

UTAM remains a very expensive problem, and I hope we are able to remedy the situation through the Governing Council Pension Committee. The UTAM CEO made a presentation at the last meeting which indicated that UTAM's investment portfolio continues to generate a lower return than would its Reference Portfolio, as has been the case for at least the last ten years. The Reference Portfolio is a passive investment mix of 60% equities, 40% bonds, and is, as stated in the CEO's report, an "easily implementable, low-cost approach". UTAM's substantial costs, due only in part to the salaries paid to UTAM's staff, are taken from the pension fund. Six of UTAM's 2010 staff appear on the Ontario "sunshine list", with the CEO listed as having been paid almost $700,000 in salary alone in 2010.

The U of T pension fund has a substantial sovency deficit, essentially the result of two factors: the irresponsible high-risk investment policy of UTAM that resulted in a loss of almost 30% in the pension fund in 2008, and the 18 full or partial contribution holidays taken by the administration. Our pensions are protected from the consequences of this deficit as we have a defined benefit pension plan, although improvements to the plan and augmentation are unlikely to occur while the plan is in deficit. Because of the magnitude of the deficit, the administration is required, in oaccordance with Ontario pension legislation and regulation, to make large special payments into the pension fund over the next few years. The administration is considering the transfer of the SRA (Supplementary Retirement Arrangement) pool of funds into the pension fund as part of these payments, as there is no requirement that a separate pool of funds for the SRA be maintained. The SRA is also a defined benefit pension plan and any transfer of SRA funds into the RPP fund will not affect the payment of SRA pensions.

UTFA is currently developing its bargaining proposals for the next round of negotiations, for the July 1, 2011 -- June 30, 2012 contract.

After many years as a member of the RALUT Executive, not the RALUT Board, and as Chair of the Pensions Committee, I will at this time be turning over these duties to my successor. Many thanks to the members of the Pensions Committee: Tom Alloway, Doug Creelman, Kelly Gotlieb, Lino Grima, Diane Henderson, George Luste, Ken Norwich, Peter Russell and Jack Stevenson.

Respectfully submitted, Helen Rosenthal, Chair




Your Benefits Committee supports individual members of RALUT in coping with out Health and Dental insurance. This work continues as the complexities of the Green Shield coverage sometimes require discussion between RALUT members, the University Administration, and Green Shield.

The Committee recommends extensions to our health and dental insurance for UTFA to carry into negotiations with the University. Our current list is part of the ongoing negotiations. Past recommendations have been successfully implemented, and we hope for success this year.

Two excellent check-lists have been devised and published on the RALUT website this year. I recommend that all members explore the list of what should be available in case of a medical emergency. Our inevitable death is even less happily contemplated that was our retirement. But the list of documents and actions that is available onh the webs tie should be consulted wwell before it is needed.

The mandate of the committee includes keeping track of best practices at other Universities. Toward this end Doug Creelman has attended meetings of CURAC and AROHE, the Canadian and American organizations of retiree associations. In general our benefits compare most favorourably with those of other institutions. Benefits are under attack widely, however, as financial troubles lead to attempts to cut back or to eliminate contractually established benefits. Ongoing watchfulness is needed.

At our University, the status of retirees is not well established. Some programs that are available to "members of the University community" are not available to us, while some important others, such as library and email service, are. Of the newly published list of "perks" on the Human Resources and Equity website, very few apply to us. It seems to us that the "University Community", which officially includes alumni and students, must also include retired faculty, librarians, and administrators. This should be an ongoing issue to pursue.

Much of the work of the Benefits Committee, requests for information from members, ongoing contact with the University Administration and UTFA, pursuing the interests of individual members, overlap with the work of the Pensions Committee. We recommend that the separate RALUT pensions and Benefits Committees be amalgamated and a combined committee formed, with a new and enriched Terms of Reference.

Thanks for the hard work and many contributions of Tom Alloway, Lino Grima, Ruth Pike, Scott Rogers, Peter Russell, and Jack Stevenson.

Respectfully submitted, Doug Creelman, Chair pro tem.




The work of this committee was expanded this year to include Events, of which today's AGM, with its guest speaker, Mayor Emeritus David Crombie, and always pleasant 'gathering of the clan' around the buffet table, and the Birthday Party celebrating out Tenth are two. if you have had time to browse the "Highlights of Our First Ten years" document in your registration folder you will see that this is a membership that over the years has certainly belied its name "Retired ..."

Our membership stands presently at 672, down a little from last year's 680 and the previous year's 707. You will see that the trend is slightly downward, while the aging trend, those in their 80's and 90's is upward. Clearly, it is the "young-uns" who need encouraging! When they speak at the Administration's Retirement Information Session this Thursday, April 28, Jack Stevenson, Doug Creelman and Peter Russell will be at their most persuasive in encouraging new retirees to join us. As well, as a result of our president's efforts, the Administration has released to us email addresses of retirees who have "utoronto.ca" addresses for recruitment purposes. Still, it is you our colleagues who are our most effective recruiters. The personal touch makes such a difference.

Finally, our "First Wednesday Lunches" (from September to June) at the Faculty Club are genial occasions. Please do join us. No reservation is required.

Here, I wish expecially to acknowledge Diane Henderson's unfailing skilled and generous assistance. She does so many things that help.

I also wish to thank my committee for their support: Claudia Colas, Elinor Fillion, and Alan Jacobs.

Respectfully submitted, Roselyn Stone, Chair.




RALUT Endowed Memorial Fund

It is just four years since this fund was inaugurated in April 2007, and the information currently available is further dramatic testimony to the thoughtful generosity of our donors.

The Endowment Fund book value at the conclusion of our previous fiscal year (the most recently available information) on April 30, 2010 was $52970; this includes matching funds from the government's Trust for Student Support program (OTSS).

Additional gifts totaling $9220 have since been received, as well as further donations following our most recent appeal accompanying the current issue of the Reporter, totaling another $2850. Matching of all these contributions is awaited. We expect to receive updated information respecting the fund at the end of the current fiscal year on April 30, 2011.

We are planning to make two awards of $1000 each from the RALUT Endowed Memorial Fund. The first of these awards was granted earlier this year, being financed entirely by income $1235 earned during the previous 2009-2010 fiscal year. We intend to use the additional $235 now remaining together with income earned during the current 2010-2011 fiscal year (to be announced) to finance this year's second annual $1000 RALUT Endowed Memorial Fund Award.

Thus, our previously expressed intention to increase the number of annual student awards is being implemented, thanks to the generosity of our donors and the resulting capability of our fund to generate sufficient earned income to finance these awards.

Gratifying as this is, our goal must be to keep pace with the ever-increasing needs of academically excellent students hampered by daunting financial challenges. Financial assistance such as that provided by the RALUT Endowed Memorial Fund commemorating our deceased members can provide timely assistance.

Recently, we received the welcome news that this invaluable OTSS fund-matching program has been renewed for another year, until March 2012. Thus, all donations will have their potential benefit maximized if made within this time frame, since they will be fully matched by OTSS. This valuable benefit, however, is no applicable to pledges, only actual donations. Furthermore, this program ends in less than 11 months and its renewal is always uncertain.

Every donation will receive a university-issued income tax receipt when made online via the University of Toronto link on the University or RALUT websites: https://donate.utoronto.ca. Type "RALUT" in the box labeled "enter keywords here". For those who prefer the more traditional alternative, a donation pledge form is always available from the RALUT office and also on the RALUT website.

Respectfully submittede, Beate Lowenberg, Chair.




During the past year the Committee considered some health issues affecting retirees, especially in the provision of community care. At the last meeting in February, 2011, the quality of training and regulation of Personal Care Workers was under disussion. The present chair will now step down and a new chair will be appointed by the Board of RALUT.

Respectfully submitted,Donald Bellamy, Chair of the Public Policy Committee




This is the first year that RALUT has had a Communications Committee

The two main issues that the Committee considered were completion of RALUT's new web page and changing the method by which our newsletter, The Reporter, is distributed.

I am happy to report that, thanks to the oversight of Diane Henderson and Ed Barbeau, the new web page has been completed and is now online.

Since its inception, the RALUT Reporter has been distributed to our members through the Canada Post. However, the cost of printing and posting the Reporter has increased to the point where the organization cannot continue distributing it through the mail to all our members. As a result, the Communications Committee recommended and the RALUT Board of Directors approved the following changes. Members of RALUT for whom we do not have email addresses, and other members who specifically request it, will continue to receive the Reporter through the amil. All other members will receive an email message with a link by which they can download the Reporter in .pdf format.

In closing, I would like to thank Fred Wilson for his long service as editor of the RALUT Reporter. The high quality of the publication is largely the result of Fred's diligent efforts. We will miss him!

Tom Alloway, Chair

Report of the Editor of the Reporter

Nothing extraordinary happened during the year. The decision to decrease the number of issues from four to three slightly decreased the workload of the editor. But that workload tends to bunch up, understandably, when the time comes to get the next number out. It begins with the task, never onerous but sometimes touched with anxiety about getting enough copy soon enough. It is always later than one had hoped or estimated or aimed for. However, in the end it comes together, gets proof-read, and goes off to the Press for printing, at which point the editor can relax until the next number. So far as I can tell, most everyone seems to have been reasonably satisfied with the result. Perhaps a bit of grumbling at times, but no complaints (except from editors elsewhere who have requested contributions from me, and the Reporter has caused me to miss their deadlines).

It is time for the Reporter to get a new editor, and time I got a rest from this task, so I have told the Board that this is my last term in the position. This, therefore, is my last report as editor. I would like to thank all those who, over the years, have helped by contributing, by proof-reading, and what ever.

I would like to thank especially Linda Staats of the University of Toronto Press, whose skill at transforming what I send her into preint-ready copy has been invaluable; it has been good working with her.

Au revoir.

Fred Wilson, Editor, RALUT Reporter

Report of the webmaster

After about five years, the RALUT Executive felt that it was time for a redesign of the RALUT website, hosted by the University of Toronto. To carry this out, we turned to Behdin Nowrouzi who designed the old site and has provided regular service to RALUT over the years.

In active consultation with Diane Henderson, Behdin came up with a format that members should find more attractive and convenient; in particular, photographs appear on the site and information and links have been reorganized and updated.

Members of RALUT can have recourse to calendars of events, information about the activities of various committees and minutes of past general meetings, in particular. Visit it regularly.

Ed Barbeau




The following have agreed to stand for election to (or to continue on) the RALUT Board for 2011-2012.

Suggested officer titles are included for information; election will be at the first meeting of the Board of Directors.

Continuing members and their terms}

Peter Russell (Honorary President)

Jack Stevenson (Past President) 2011-2013

Beate Lowenberg (Secretary) 2010-2012

John Munro 2010-2012

Roselyn Stone (Vice President Operations) 2010-2012

For re-election

Tom Alloway (President) 2011-2013

Don Bellamy 2011-2013

Doug Creelman (Vice-President Policy) 2011-2013

Ruth Pike 2011-2013

Scott Rogers 2011-2013

Elinor Fillion (Treasurer) 2011-2013

Fred Wilson

New Members

Hans DeGroot [English]

Lino Grima [Environment]

David Olson [University Professor OISE)

John Valleau [Chemistry]

Respectfully Submitted, Doug Creelman, Chair, Tom Alloway, Roselyn Stone


DECEASED MEMBERS May 2010 -- April 2011

Carstens, Peter

Colman, S. John

Dewan, Shashi

Gordon, Muron

Hastings, David E.

Le Riche, Harding

Salter, Robert

Spelt, Jacob

Van der Eyk, M.J.

Wevers, John

Wipper, Kirk


